The Plantronics Invitational Play-day Three!
Tournaments | 29 September 2013, 11:00 | By w'll

The Plantronics Invitational continues today with our third set of best of three games, the winners of this tournament will walk away with £150 in cash, five Plantronics Gamecom 780s and five copies of The Creative Assembly's Rome II Total War + Greek States pre-order DLC.
The second place runner up won't be leaving us empty handed, we've got £50 in cash and five Plantronics Gamecom 380s up for grabs.
Last weekend we saw the elimination of Smackdown Syndrome, TmF Gaming, Team Infused & Fullstop more on last weekends games can be found here & here.
Today's games kick off at 15:00 BST brought to you on Multiplay's Channel cast by Mr.Blakadder & durka with kitkat on ingame statistics.
Proceedings will continue today with Naix on a Plane versus Wat A Stack following this first best of three will be our second game at 18:00 BST with rOtK vs Reason Gaming, some insight and history can be found in our articles which were released just over a week ago.
We hope to see both new faces and old cheering on both sides today and wish the competitors the best of luck.
Other time zones are 16:00 CEST, 07:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT & 01:00 AEST.