Looking for Volunteer Staff!
Announcements | 13 October 2013, 17:00 | By Ripexz

With recent removals and departations from our core group of volunteers, we're in a bit of a pickle and require some new blood to help us continue to nurture the growth of competitive UKDota.
Applicants need to want to do the work they're applying for, we've had far too many people in the past who're quite capable but applied as it seemed like a cool idea, then were no where to be seen when push came to shove and the help was required. If you are in the process of applying and pause to think, "Is this really for me?", cancel what you're doing as within a week you'll follow the long line of people aforementioned.
We're searching for people from all walks required to create the content we've been providing for just over a year now, specifically:
- Tournament Admins
- Content Staff
- Jack of All Trades
In short, tournament admins will be spending what can be entire days of their lives adminstrating tournaments both online and offline at LAN events.
Content staff varies from video editors, graphics editors and news writers. Content staff will be expected to be available when required, this could mean sitting and watching an entire nights worth of tournament play then breaking down each game into what could be a small paragraph, 50% watching, 40% writing and 10% fiddling with HTML/CSS.
Graphics editors could be asked at any time to help beautify anything from stream overlays to news articles and promotional imagery. Video editors we've not had before but would love to add to our repetoire as people love moving pictures!
If you're a Jack of All Trades and want to be a dogsbody we'd be interested in hearing from you, although it'd be expected for you to be competant at one of the other roles. We've had admins & casters step in to write, admins to cast, writers to admin and so forth, you may be expected to help to keep the cogs whirling.
All applications can be made via the this link and we'd ask that you leave a real name, age and contact method (preferrably Skype).