The Plantronics Invitational Play-day One!
Tournaments | 21 September 2013, 13:20 | By Ripexz

The Plantronics Invitational kicks off today with our first two best of three games, the winners of this tournament will walk away with £150 in cash, five Plantronics Gamecom 780s and five copies of The Creative Assembly's Rome II Total War + Greek States pre-order DLC.
The second place runner up won't be leaving us empty handed, we've got £50 in cash and five Plantronics Gamecom 380s up for grabs.
Today's games kick off at 16:00 BST brought to you on Multiplay's Channel cast by Mr.Blakadder & durka with kitkat on ingame statistics.
Proceedings will begin with Naix on a Plane versus Smackdown Syndrome following this first best of three will be our second game at 19:00 BST with TmF Gaming vs Wat A Stack, some insight and history can be found in our articles which were released this earlier this week.
We hope to see both new faces and old cheering on both sides today and wish the competitors the best of luck.
Other time zones are 17:00 CEST, 08:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT & 02:00 AEST.