Team Infused return with a UK line-up!
Dota 2 in UK | 13 September 2013, 18:54 | By w'll

Team Infused re-enter the UK Dota 2 scene today with their latest edition to the prestigious organisation. This time it's the boys and girls from BBQ Chicken eSports (BCE). A team who've won many a fan in their short airtime in UK events.
Tyrox had this to say:
"We'd like to thank Infused for taking us under their wing and giving us a chance to show what we've got. We're really excited about this opportunity and look forward to growing and expanding together. Richie, Elya and I (Tyrox) have all played DotA since Warcraft 3 in which myself and Richie used to take part in DOTA league. Tone and Cook joined us when we moved to Heroes of Newerth where they quickly picked up the game and became interested in the competitive scene. However, we were just a group of friends and no real team was created. About 4 months ago we formed as a team to compete at i49 knowing we could compete and place well. We came 3rd winning £425 and gained a lot of recognition. Our performance spurred us on to do more and we decided to compete at Campus Party 2013 shortly afterwards, coming 2nd and winning £1,000. We're aiming to be the UK's top dota2 team and all have the competitive drive and dedication to push forward and become a respected and recognised team in the EU scene."
We at would like to wish them the best of luck in their up & coming events!
Team Infused are: Richie, Tone, Elya, Tyrox & Cook (L to R). Photography by Multiplay.