searching for Graphics staff members
Announcements | 06 August 2013, 18:00 | By Mark Ruffalo and his Buffalo

One of the great things about the UKDota community, is how willing everybody is to pitch in and help. A couple of weeks ago, we posted a plea for writers and tournament admins. With been flooded with applications and have managed to take on some great new team members
Now, we have another problem. We have simply TOO many writers. Wordsmiths are clogging up the halls of UKDota Towers, drinking all our coffee and using up all our paper to print off their insane ramblings about Dota. As an emergency precaution we’re no longer accepting any more applications for the position of writer.
What we do have a lack of however, is graphics artists. We need people to draw our logos, create our promotional imagery and produce overlays for our streams. Obviously this is an important job. With interest in UKDota at an all time high, our streams are being watched by hundreds (well, just over a hundred) of people at their peak. We’ve managed to get by on crayon scrawlings up to now but we really just need somebody who can devote time to making us look all pretty and professional.
Is this you? Get in contact. Any writers in disguise will be turned away at the door.