is no longer active, but the website is still up for nostalgia's sake. Logo

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Login with Steam in 2014

Beastmaster is searching for a dedicated individual to oversee the site and community for 2014 and onwards.

This person will be incharge of the proceedings and the direction will take for the year.

Although you'll only be overseen by two people (Ripexz and I) you'll be given practically carte blanche to decide what we're going to do and how we're going to do it.

If this is you, please get in touch and let us know here.

Experience in a similar situation would be a plus but isn't required as you'd have plenty of advice on hand at nearly all times.

The only thing we really require is that you're adult.

All applications will be reviewed and we'll be in touch with the likely candidates.

IHL on backfoot.

Cheers, The Administration.


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